
Effective Teaching


Equipped Computer Lab


Enriched Practical Laboratory


Continuous Evaluation

Welcome to Cardiff International School Dhaka

Best faculties from all over the countries for senior sections and foreign teachers in Leadership position and Language teaching

One of the barriers of Bangladeshi International school is the challenge of English Language teaching and learning specially for the speaking and listening skills. The Native teachers can help us in this respect. Students' language ability will be improved like the natives if the language teachers come from English speaking countries.
However, it has been observed that local teachers can produce better results in senior classes when exam results are counted. Keeping that in mind, our school has appointed English speaking teachers in junior level and local experts in senior level. Most of the local teachers teaching in CISD have been qualified in Cambridge International curriculum. Some of them have been qualified in CELTA (ESOL) University of Cambridge (UK).
CISD attracts the best teachers from renowned schools.

  • School with Digital Facilities
  • School campus with buildings having Artistic Green Exterior, convenient, multi functional and aesthetic Interior and sophisticated customer designed school furniture.
  • School with Proper ECA Facilities
  • School to Learn Multiple Languages
  • School for NRB students
  • School for Divisional students
  • School for Foreign Missions in Bangladesh
  • School for foreign Nationals and Multinationals or Internationals organizations
  • School with Native English Teacher for ESL
  • School of multiple curriculum
  • Students do not need to attend any private Tuition
  • School for Exchange Education

Academic self-sufficiency in a world that is embracing self-directive learning


We offer a wide range of cultural and creative activities to students at all levels


We create ample scope for sports, seeing it as a necessary component for a full and rounded education


Our curriculum reflects the parity of esteem for all curricular pathways – academic, technical and vocational.

People need international schools following worldwide curriculum and practice global school culture.

Contact Essentials

Campus House: 11, Road-28 (Old) 15 (New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209.
Web: www.cisdbd.net
e-mail: cardiff@cisdbd.net
Facebook: facebook/cisdbd.net
Phone: +8801313-485800-1, +8801324-436170